1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly


In the Port Wine Country.

border tbe river, wbile away to tbe east in the region of the Superior Douro stretch the vine-clad terraces of the Quinta do Vesuvio, the largest of the Douro vineyards. It comprises as many as 750 acres,of which, however,scarcely one-half is under vine cultivation,the yield being merely 300 pipes inlieu ofthe800 pipes it ought to produce. Oranges, olives, and almonds are largely grown in this quinta, where there are also considerable plantationsof mulberry-treesfor the rearing of silkworms,andof beans, maize,and cane-brakes for supplying .stakes for the vines. On account ofthe great extent of the property it is divided into three sections, each with its particular gangs of labourers and special overseer. Immediately opposite to Vesuvio,on the right bank of the Douro, is the Quinta da Coalheira, vintaging a small quantity of high-class wine, and nearer to us, on the same side of the river as the Quinta do Vesuvio, we sight the Quinta do Arnozella, the wine of which was formerly in high repute. Still closer to us are the Quintas de Vargellas,together with the Quinta Nova do Cachao, all yielding wine of a good quality, while across the stream arethe quintas of Sao Martinho, Sibio, and Caimaes. The wines of this part of the Douro are much sought after for their fine muscat flavour. There are butfew other quintas of importance in the Superior Douro,and these are noted principally for their white wines. The most extensive vineyards are in the neighbourhood of the Fez do Sabor, and higher up the Douro—at no great distance from the Spanish frontier and the ancient little fortified town of Freixo d'Bspada-4-Cinta, in other words,"Ash of the G-irded-Sword." This town, according to tradition, owes its quaint name to Dom Diniz, the husbandman-king, who, when he first passed that way,was impressed by a huge ash-ti'ee on the summit of a hill commanding a fuU view of the country on both sides of the Douro. Dngirdiug his sword from his waist,the king buckled it round the tree, exclaiming,"Here we will build a town,plant vineyards and olive-trees, sow good fields of corn, and have flocks and herds, and the town shall be called' Ash of the Girded-Sword!'"

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