1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly
Somefamous Quintas on the Douro and the Bio Torto. 85
The ride home was a weaiy one,for our tired horses would only proceed at an ambling pace. "When evening set in it became absolutely necessary to urge them on in order that we might reach the ferry across the Douro to our sleeping quarters at the Quinta Amarella before the boatmen had gone away. ■My horse, on being suddenly urged into a brisker trot, stumbled and feU, landing me a few feet in front of him on a road of the consistency of iron. Luckily the rim of my hat saved my head, andIescaped with sundiy cuts and bruises. Pressing forward we fortunately succeeded in arresting the attention of the ferry men just as they were leaving for the night, and by dint of our persuasive powers eventually prevailed upon them to ferry us and our horses over to Pinhao.
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