1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly


In tite PoH Wine Gowntry.

combines a slight acidity vdth a delicate sweetness,and yields a clear must charged hut slightly with viscous matters. The souzao,the remaining black variety of grape grown in the Alto Douro vineyards that claims especial mention, was brought from the hanksof the Lima at the beginning of the last century. It is round and thick-skinned, and the must, which is sub- acidulous in taste, is remarkable for the abundance and bril liancy ofits colouring matter. A splendid pui-ple shade is com municated to wines ofa light tint by merely having the skins of the souzao grape steeped in them. This grape yields 64 per cent, of must in proportion to its weight,and contains, on an average,some 12 per cent, of sugar. Of the varieties of white grapes grown in the Upper Douro special mention is dueto the verdelho,highly prized in Madeira, and generally known in the Port wine district as the gouveio. It is a hardy species and bears fruit early, and its must, which emits a delicious perfume,contains 22 per cent, of sugar. The mourisco branco, another prized variety,is an amber-coloured pulpy grape of the size of a filbert, and with a very thick skin. It produces 65 per cent, of generous must,and when grown in cool soils often hangs in bunches nearly 4|lbs. in weight. The rabigato, or"rabo de ovelha," as it is sometimes called,is an excellent white grape, much esteemed for the abundance of its fruit and the strength it imparts to the wine. In the Superior and Alto Douro it is veiy productive and bears early, generally yielding a very spirituous wine, unless grown at a considerable altitude,when it does not ripen well. The berry is small in size, has a fine translucent pale greenish-white skin, and yields 60 per cent, of must,containing 24 per cent, of sugar. In the AltoDouroseveral varieties of malvasias and moscatels are cultivated,the most common of the former being the deli cate malvasia fina,which yields a high-class white wine. The aromatic malvasia roxa, a pinkish variety, notable for its fine flavour and perfume,is grown only to a limited extent. Of the moscatels the principal are the moscatel branco and the amber- coloured moscatel de Jesus,the fruit of both of which yields a

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