1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly


vm.- -The Return Journey—Regda—Baixo Corgo ani> Villa Real. Along the Banks of the Douro to Kegoa—Origin of the Capital of the Port Wine District—Earliest Shipments of the Douro Wines to England—The Methuen Treaty—Port Winein Difficulties—Rise in its Price and Falling off in its Quality—Formation ofthe Alto Douro Wine Company—ItsArbi trary Privileges and more Arbitrary Proceedings—Its eventual Abolition —Some Baixo Corgo Quintas—The limits ofthe Paiz Vinhateiro—A party of Homeward-bound Vintagers—Prices of the Lower and Upper Corgo Wines—The Journey to Villa Real—A Sunday Scene at Sao Miguel de Lobrigos—Halt at Cumieira—Typical Portuguese Beggars—Reach Villa Real—Great Antiquity of the Town—Dom Diniz, "who, as every one knows,did what he chose"—Fineold Houses built by Adventurers roturne

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