1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly


IV. FimcHAL, AND SOME Famods Wine-Stoees THERE. The Madeira Capital Its Aspect on Shore and as Viewed from the Sea—The Armazens or Wine-Stores of Messrs. Cossart, Gordon,and Co ^Their Serrado Stores—The Cooperage—A Store Swept Away by Winter Hoods —Trellised Vinesafford Shadeinallthe OpenSpaces-The Treatmentwhich the Mosto or newly-made Wine nndergoes-Cossart, Gordon, and Co.'s Estufa Stores Treatmentof Madeii-a with Artificial or Natural Heat Mode of Proceeding foUowed in the Estufa—The Pateo Stores of Cos sart, Gordon, and Co.,and some of the remarkable Wines contained in them—Stock of Madeira held by the Pirm. One of tlie most disappointing tMngs in Madeira is its capital. Picturesque as it may appear from the sea, on shore its aspect is the reverse ofinviting. Its pra9a is a shabby affair with commonplace surroundings,among which are a dilapidated- looking hospital and the town prison. The Palacio de Sao Iioren90,in which the civil and military governors reside,is an unattractive, semi-castellated building,painted a lively yellow ^ evidently with a view to render it more imposing. The theatre is converted into a wine-store, while as regards shops, the Magasins du Louvre ofthe Madeirense capital are mere ranges of dingy stores where common textile fabrics are vended at

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