1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly
In the Port Wioie Country.
following tte com-se of tlie river. When we ai-rive opposite to Pinhao—an important village situated at the confluence of the little river of the same name with the Donro, and whence considerable shipments ofPort wine are made to Villa Nova— the highway abruptly terminates,and our course lies hencefor ward along hridle-paths and bullock-tracks—which only in irony could he termed roads—with the swift and muddy Douro flowing beneath. We pass the Quinta de Carvalhas: its casas lying low down the vine-clad mountain side, half hidden among clustering trees. Suddenly we leave the river and wind up a rock-strewn precipitous causeway, along which our horses, accustomed to such difficult tracks, pick their way with mar vellous dexterity. Perched high above us, brightly gleaming among the olives and the vines, is the Quinta da Teixeira, whither we are hound,hut where we make hut a brief stay, as the vintage had not yet commenced. We return again to the hanks of the Douro, and, after following the course of the river for a considerable distance, arrive at the famous district of Koriz. Here we dismount at a quinta belonging to Senhor Senna,and,ascending a long flight of steps, find ourselves on the threshold of the casa dos lagares, where a score of men,high above their knees in a clammy purple hath, are treading grapes to the sound of fife and drum. The music suddenly ceases as we enter, and the treaders, pausing from their work, regard us with an air of curiosity. On the owner of the quinta, a square, hent, grey-headed old man, making his appearance they speedily resume their movements, raising one leg after the other as, with fife and drum playing briskly, they half march,half dance,round the large lagar. The large white saucer with its raised centre is now produced in order that we may taste the wine; and one of the treaders lifting up his brawny leg and carefully balancing himself,the saucer is held beneath his dripping foot to receive the mosto as it trickles down. This is now submitted to a general inspec tion and tasting, while the amount of saccharine contained in it is ascertained by means of the saccharometer. The quarters in
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