1881 American and Other Drinks (second edition) Hard cover by Leo Engel
48 PUNCH A LA ROMAINE. For a Party ojFiftttn,
Take the juice of ten lemons and two sweet oranges; dissolve in it two pounds of powdered sugar, and add the thin rind of an orange; run this through a sieve, and stir in by degrees the whites of ten eggs beaten into a froth. Put the bowl with the mix ture into an ice pail,let it freeze a little, then stir briskly into it a bottle ot Champagne and a bottle of Rum.
Make an infusion of the best green tea,an ounce to a quart of boiling water. Put before the fire a silver or other metal bowl to become quite hot,and then put into it—half pint of brandy; half pint ofrum; quarter of a pound oflump sugar; the juice of a large lemon. Set these a light and pour in the tea gradually, mixing it from time to time with a ladle. It will remain burning for some time,and is to be poured in that state into the glasses. In order to increase the flavour a few lumps of the sugar should be rubbed over the lemon peel. This punch may be made in a china bpwl, but in that case the flame goes off more rapidly.
This punch is made the same as Brandy Punch(No.i), but to each glass add one clove or two small pieces of preserved ginger with a little of its syrup.
To each glass of Brandy Punch (No. i) add a tea-spoonful of Guava Jelly.
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