1882 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1882)


In presenting this Manual to the public, I beg the indulgence for making a few remarks in regard to my- self having been in the Hotel and Saloon business, in various capacities since my boyhood, studying and practising the tastes and fancies of the public in regard to drinking, and having travelled all over this and other countries, I have after careful preparation, time and expense, compiled this work, which I will challenge any party to criticize against or find one receipt which is not fully and completely prepared. I have been em- ployed in some of the most prominent, leading and first class Hotels and Saloons in this city as well as all other parts of the United States and other countries, from which I have the very highest letters of recommenda- tion, as to my complete knowledge of managing a Saloon, and preparing drinks of every kind and form. This work will clearly show how to prepare, mix, and serve every drink known to be desired by the public, or at the present day in style ; I have prepared every drink in a plain, straight-forward manner, that is known all over the world, such as the popular Mixed Drinks, Cocktails, Punches, Fancy Drinks, &c, in addition the book will give you the entire and complete instructions to be observed in tending bar, in regard how to con- duct yourself, what to do in opening a Saloon in the morning, how to serve and wait on customers, and all the plain details connected with the business, that any

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