1882 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1882)

— BO


f Use a large bar glass, j

Fill up with ice; 2 or 3 dashes of gum syrup;

1 or 2 clashes of bitters (Angostura); 1 clash either of Curacao or absinthe; 1 wine glass full of Holland gin; stir up well; strain into a fancy cocktail glass; squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. In regard to Curacao or absinthe in the above drink, that one is taken which the customer may desire.



f Use a larje bar glass.

Till up with ice; 3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup; 1 dash of bitters (Angostura); 1 dash of anisette; One-quarter wine glass of water; Three-quarters wine glass of absinthe; shake it well; strain it squeeze a lemon j^eel on top, and serve.

into a fancy cocktail glass;

52. MISSISSIPPI PUNCH. ( Use a large bar glass.

1 table-spoon of sugar: One-half wine glass of water :

2 dashes of lemon juice, dissolved well; One-half wine glass of Jamaica rum One-half wine glass of Bourbon whiskey ; 1 wine glass of brandy;

till the glass with shaved ice; shake the ingredients well; ornament in a tasty manner with fruits and ber- ries in season, and serve with a straw.

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