1883 McDonough's bar-keepers' guide, and gentlemen's sideboard companion (1883)


307. Blue Blazes. This recipe was furnished me by the veteran bar-keeper 0. S. Hul- bert, the proprietor of Oyster Bay. Take two silver or china mugs, place in one a wine-glass of Irish or Scotch Whiskey, and in the other a wine-glass of boiling water, light the liquor and pour from one mug to the other at least six or seven times, then blow out the tire and serve in bar glass with sugar, nutmeg, and a piece of lemon


308. Clam Chowder.

furnished by Charles Schweigert, chief

For a party of twenty-five ;

cook at Lieders' Hotel Brunswick, Rochester, N. Y. Take one-half pound salt pork, cut in fine pieces, and roast in a sauce pan until pork assumes a brownish color. Add six large onions sliced, mix them with the pork and steam them. Then cut up fine eight turnips, six carrots, twenty raw T potatoes and some celery J;ops and one-half gallon tomatoes. Cook all of the above together with a large beef done and add fifty Clams chopped fine, with the Clam juice, and cook for one and one-half hours. Season well with red pepper, salt and thyme, and if handy a little fine chopped parsley, and it is ready for serving.

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