1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)
CAUTIONc In order to guard our patrons and others who may wish to deal in the genuine SOUR- Mash Fire-Copper Whiskey, known as OLD CROW, against the numerous and injurious imitations of that celebrated Brand, we call their attention to our Patented Trade-Mark, which is burnt on the head
of every barrel, and we recommend those wishing to use this Whiskey, to satisfy themselves before purchasing, that it is distilled by W. A. Gaines ("t CO., in WOODFORD CO., Kentucky, as noneother is genuine. It may interest those purchasing ourOLD CROWWHISKEY, to know that its name is derived from that of a Scientific Scotch Distiller, James Crow, of Woodford Co., Kentucky, now de ceased, who formerly manufactured an article of Sour-Mash Whiskey, which had a great home reputation. The OLD CROW WHISKEY, so well known and highly esteemed, was first manufa^ctured by Gaines, Berry & Co., whowere succeeded by the present firm ofW. A, Gaines &Co. We have added many important improvements, and by con|tant efforts, solely with a view to improving the quality, have built up and steadily maintained the HIGH reputation which that Wliiskey now enjoys. W. A. GAINBS & CO. Frankfort, Ky., January ist, 1883.
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