1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



1 pint of Jamtiica rum. 2 Ibs. of sugar. Juice of 6 lemons. 3 oruDges slicecL I pinû-apple, pared, and eut up. 1 gill of Ouraçoa. 2 gills of raspbeny syi'up. Ice, and add ben ies Lu season. ilix tbe raaterials -well together in a'large bcwl, and you have a splendid punch.

4. -Mississippi Ptmcb.

(Use largo bar gloss.)

1 "winc-glass of brandy. •J. do.

Jamaica rum.



Bourbon whiskey.

X do.


S» IX table-spoonful ofpowdered white sugar. of a large lemon. Fill a tumbler with shaved ice.

The above miist be well shaken, and to those who hke their draughts "like liuked sweetness long drawn ont,'* let them use a glass tube or straw to sip the nectar through. The top of this punch should be ornamented with small pièces of orange, and bernes in season. I i 5. Hot Brandy and Kum Punch. (For a party of flftoen.) 1 quart of Jamaica rum. ' 1 do. Cognac brandy. 1 Ib. of white loaf-sugar. 4 lemons.

3 quarts of boiling water. 1 teaspoonful of nutnieg.

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