1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



51. Arrack Punch. fn ïUîkkiDg 'rack pwnch, you ought to put t'wo glasses fvf 'u^glasses) of rum to thrce of arrack. A good deal of eu^'^r is rerjuired ; but sweeteuing, after ail, must be left to taste. Lcmoas and limes are also matter of palate, but lemoûs are enough for the above quantity ; put then au equal quantity of water—i. e-j not five but six glasses to allow for tbc lemon juice, and you have a very protty tbree tumblers of punch.

62. Arrack Punch.

(Anotber mothod.)

Steep in one quart of old Batavia arrack, six lemons eut m thin slices, for six hours. At the end of that time tho lemon must be removed Tvithout squeezing. Dissolve one pound ofloaf-sugar in one quart ofboiling water, and add the hot solution to the arrack- Let it stand to cool. This is a delightful liqueur^ and should be used as such. See recipe No. 260, in the Appendix at the end of the book.

63. Bimbo Punch.

Bimbo is made nearly in the same way as the above, ex- cept that Cognac brandy is substituted for arrack.

54. Cold Punch. Arrack, port wioe and water, of each two pints, one pound of loaf-sugar, and the juice of eight lemons.

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