1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



boiling water (soft water is best) till the whole îs rathef cool. When tbis mixture (which is now called tbe sher- bet) is to your taste, take brandy and rum in equal quanlî- ties, and put tbern to it, mixing the wbole well togethor again. The quaiitity of liquor must be according to your taste ; two good leraons are generally euough to make four quarts of puncb, incliiding a quart of liquor, with balf a pound of sugar ; but tbis dépends muob on taste, and on tbe strength of the spirit. As the pulp 13 disagreeable to some persons, tbe sherbet may be strained before the liquor is put in. Some strain the lemon before tbey put it to tbe sugar, wbicb is im- proper, as, "w^ben the pulp and sugar are ivellmixed togetb- er, it adds much to tbe richness of the punch. When only rum is used, about half a pînt of porter will soften the puncb ; and evcn when both rum and brandy are used, tbe porter gives a richness, and to some a very pleasant flavor.

67. Bunch à la Romaine.

(For a party.of flftecn.)

Take the juîce of ten lemons and two sweet oranges, dissolve in it two pounds of powdered sugar, and add tbe tbin rind of an orange, run tbis tbrougb a sieve, and stir in by degrees tbe whites of ton eggs, beaten into a froth. Put the bowl with tlie mixture into an ice pail, let it freeze a little, thon stir brisldy into it a bottle of wine and a bottle of rura. For another method of making tbis punch, see recîpe No. 267,in tbeAppendixat tbeend of the book.

68. Tea Punch. Make an infusion of the best green tea, an ounco lo a

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