1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)


quart of boiling water ; put bcforo tbe fire a silver or other métal bowl, to becomo quite hot, and tbcn put iuto il ^ pint of good brandy. •| do. rum. I Ib. of luinp-sugar. The juice of a large lemon. Set tbese a-ligbt, and pour in the tea gradually, mixing ît from time to time witli a ladle : it will remain burnina for some time, and is to be poured in tbat state into tbe glasses ; iu order to increase tbe fiavor, a few lumps oi tbe sugar should be rubbed over tbe lemon peel. This puncb may be made in a cbina bowl, but in tbat case tbe flame goes ofFmore rapidly. 69. "West Indian Punch. This puncb îs made tbe same as brandy puncb, but to eacb glass add a clove or two of preserved ginger, and a little of tbe syrup. 70. Barhadoes Punch. To eacb glass of brandy puncb, add a table-spoonful of guava jelly, 71. Yorkshire Punch. Kub off tbe rind of tbree lemons on pièces of sugar, put the sugar into a jug, and add to it the thin rind of one lemon and an orange, and tbe juice of four oranges aitd' of ten lemons, witb six glasses of diasolved calf's-foot jelly Pour two quarts of water over the whole, mixing tbe materials well, then cover tbojug, and keep it on a warm heartb for tweuty minutes. Then strain the mixture, and add a pint of clarified syrup, half a pint eaoh of rum and brandy, and a bottle of good orange or lemon sbrub.

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