1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)
140. Brandy Pis. (Use small bar glnss.)
1 table-spoonfiil of sugar. ,
a Avine-glass of water.
i of a lemon. brandy. Fill a tumbler two-thirds full of shaved ice. Stii* with a epoon, and dress tbe top with fruit in season.* 1 do.
141, G-in Fis. (TTsasmall bar glaas.)
1 table-spoonful of sugar.
-i a wiue-glass of "water.
1 of a lemon. gin. Fill two-tbirds full of shaved ice. Stir with a spoon, and omament the top with fri4ts in season. 142. Brandy Sour, (Uso email bar gloes.) The brandy sour is made with tbe same ingrédients as the brandy fis, omittîng ail fruits cxcept a small piece of lemon, the juice of which ninst be pressed in the glass. 143. Gin Sour. ' ' (Ueo email bar glass.) The gin sour is made with the same ingrédients as the gin fix, omitting ail fruits, except a small piece of lemon, the juice of which must be pressed in the glass.f 1 do. ♦ The Santa Cniz flx ia made by subatimting Saota Cruz r..-m instead of brandy. f The Santa Cruz sour ia made bysiibstituting Santa Ornz ram instead of gin. In inakiug fixes and soura be carelul and put the lemon skin ia the glass.
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