1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)
150. Brandy Flip.
(Uso sinoUbar glnss.)
i .^aspoonful of sngar. 1 -wine-glass of brandy. Fil] tlietumbler one-thii*d full ofhot water, mÎT-, aqdplac« coasted crackei ou top, and grate nutmeg overit«
151. PorfWine Negns.
To every pint of port wine allow: l quart of boiling "water. f Ib. of loaf-sugar. l lemon. Grated nutmeg to taste.
Put tbe wine into a jug, rub some lumps of Bugar(equal to ^ Ib.) on tlie lemon rind until ail the yellow part of the skin is absorbed, then squeeze tbe juice and strain it. Add tbe Bugar and lemon-juice to tbe port wine, witb tbegrated nutmeg ; pour over it tbe boiling water, covcr tbe jug, and wben tbe beverage bas cooled a little, it wiU be fit for use. Negus may alsp bo made of sherry, or any other sweet wine, but it is more usually mado of port. Th^s beverage deiives its name from Colonel Negus, wbo is sai^ to baTa invented it.
152. Port Wine Negus.
(Une small bar glasa.)
1 wine-glass of port wine. 1 teaspoonful of sugar. ^ill tumbler oiie-r)iird full with bot water.
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