1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



161. FANCY DBINKS Tîio following miscellaneous collection of fancy bcvoT. âges, cmbraces a number of French, Spauislj, Englisli. , Bussiun, ItaliîH], Gorman, aiid Araerican recipes. ^

162. Santina's Ponsse Cafe.

(ITso finiftll wine-glÂsa,) Thîs delicîons drink is frora a recipe by Santiîîa, pro- prietor of "Santinà's jSaloon" a celebrate Spanish Café in New Orléans. Abrandy (Cognac). A maraschino. ACuraçoa, Mix well.

163. Parisian Pousse Gaie.

(ITae enuU wlne-glMO.)

J Curaçoa. f Kirschwasser. j Chartreuse. This is a celebrated Parisian drink.

164. Faivre's Pousse Cafe.

(TTao amoU wine-gloss.)

j Parisian pousse café (as above). I Kirschwasser. J Curaçoa,

This celebrated drink is from the recipe of M. PAmia, fc popular proprietor of a '•French Saloon^'' in New York.

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