1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)


•WfilTE L£ON.

nBualIy raixed and kept in a bottle, and a wine-glassfaî is used to each tumbler of Tom and Jerry. N. B.—A tea-spoonfnl of cream of tartar, or abont aa much carbonate of soda as you can gct on a dime, pro vent thô sugar from settling to tbe bottom of tbe mixture This drink is sometimes called Copenhagen, and some- timos Jerry Thomas.

•• 175. "White Tiger's Milk. (From rsclpe lu the possossioD of Thomas Donn Engltsh, Esq.)

\ gill apple-jack. i do. peach brandy.

\ teaspoonful of aromatic tincture.* Sweeten witb white sugar to taste. The white of an egg beaten to a stiff foam. 1 quart of piu-e milk.

Pour in the mixed liquora to the milk, stirring ail the white till ail is well raixed, theu sprinklc with nutmeg. The above recipe is sufficient to make a full quart o* "white tiger-'s milk if more is wanted, you can increase the above proportions. If you want to préparé this bev- erage for a party of twenty, use one gallon of milk to ono pint of apple-jack, &c.

176. "White Lion. (Use small bar glosa.) teaspoonful of pulverized white sugar.

ont juice and put rind in gîass).

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