1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)


ETTMFIjeTIAN. 180. Archbishop. The same as Bishop, substituting claret for the port. 181. Cardinal. Same as above, substituting cbampagne for clarat» 182. Pope. Same 9& above, substituting Burgundy for cbampagne,

183. A Bishop.

(Protestant) 4 table-spoons of white sugar, 2 tumblers of water.

1 lemon, in slices. 1 bottle of claret. 4 table-spoons of Santa Croz or Jamaica. Ice.

184. Kniokerbocker. (Uso smoll bar glass.) ^a lime, or leraon, squeeze out tbe juice, and put riui juice in the glass. 2 teaspoonfuls of raspberry syrup. 1 Tvine-glass Sauta Cruz rum. ^ tcagpoonful of Curaçoa. Cool "with shaved ice; shake up well, and omament with berriea in season. If this is not sweet enougb, put ia a little more raspberry syi-up. 185. Rumfustian. This ia the siugular name bestowed upon a d-rink very much in vogue with English sportsraen, after their retum a day's shooting, and ia concocted thus :

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