1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)
203. G-in and Pine.
(Use ^no-glasa.)
Split a piece of tlie beart of a green pine log into fine splints, about tbe size of a cedar lead-penoil, take 2 oimcea of tlie eame and put into a quart decanter, and fill the de- eanter witb gin. Let thô pine soak for two bours, and tbe gin will b© ready to serve.
203. G-in and Tansy,
(Ubs irli]&-glas&)
Fill a quart decantei -J- full of tansj, and pour in gin to fin up tbe balance ^ tansy to | gin. Serve to customera in a >vine-glass.
204. G-in and "Woimwood.
(Use amall bar glaas.)
Put three or four sprigs of wormwood into a quart de« canter, and fill up witb gin. Tbe above tbree drinks are not mucb used except in email country villages.
205. Scotch "Whiskey Skin.
(Use smoU bar glass.) 1 wîne-glass of Scotch whiskey. 1 piece of lemon peel. Fill tbe tumbler one-balf fuU witb boOing water.
206. Columbia SMn.
(dae small bar glosa.)
Tbis is a Boston driiik, and is made tbe same as a whiskey skin.
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