1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



248. Tom CoUins WMskey,

(Uselargo bar glosa •)

5 or 6 dashes of gum syrup. Juice of a small lemon. 1 lai-ge -wineglass of wliiskey. Fill the glasshalf fuU of shaved ice, sîaàke up well and strain into a large bar glass. Fill up the glass witli plain soda water and imbibe "while it is lively.

249. Tom Collins Brandy,

The same as Tom Collins Whiskey, substituting brandy for whiskey.

260. Tom Collins Gin.

The same as Tom Collins "Whiskey, substituting gin for whiskey.

251. Brandy Flip, Cold.

Take 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar. Add 1 wineglass of brandy, i do. water. A piece of lemon. Fill the tumbler two-thirds fuU of ice, broken fine.

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