1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)


255. Prepared Punchi. Aglass of puncli, with ail the et cèleras, isau excellent tbing;tbe main diflicult}' about it is tbat, outside of a well- appointed bar-room, tbe necessary ingi-edients ai-e net iisually found, ready to band at tbe inonient wben tbey are indispensable; and, even undertbe most favorable cir- cumstances, it is not every one tbat Imows tbe précisé proportions and bappy blending of flavors tbat constitute a perfect glass of puncb. Tbe enbgbtenment of tbe présent day is fnll of sboif;- cuts to comfort, and ail tbe iinpediments in tbe way of enjoying a social glass of pimcb, compounded according to tbe latest discoveiies of tbe art, are obviated by baving a bottle of tbe desbed nectarin a concentrated foim, ready bre'wed in exact propoitions, and notbing needed but a moderate suj^ply of bot or cold water, or ice, to adjust it to tbe correct strengtb and température, and a glass to receive tbe welcome bbationl Tbe foUowing recipesfor concocting tbe latest andmost improved varieties of pimcb are intended for bottbng for ready use. Directions for preparing sucb ingrédients as are of a compound nature •will be found at tbe end of tbe puncb receipts. (See page 103).

256. Empire City Punch.

Take .'5 ounces sweet abnonds. 6 do. bitter almonds.

1 do. povrdered einnamon. I do. do. cloves. 5 do. plain syrup.

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