1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)

Q ;i_ ^ WORD ^TtO ra-E TRADE.,r^,.^^ Gentlemen: Wo call your attention to the follDwing 0 line of Fine Kentuckt WniSKiES, which wo îiave purclias- ^ ed direct from distillors, at insido bottom pi-ices, and wo offer thcm to tlic Trado in Bond or Frce in lots to suit purclmscrs, at the lowest inai-kct priées. The încrcased demundfor Fine-Wliishies, and the unlimîted capacity of tho distilleries have caused an ovor-production of Whis- kics which have naturally decrensod thcir values; but the firicr brands produccd inthe sinall Hand-Mado Sour Mash di-^tillerios of tho Bluo Grass régions of Koiitucky, have, bv the sraall quantlty n.udo, and tho excellenee of the eood.s beon enablod to hold thelr viaucs. Wc therefore adviso oui- friends and custouiers, dcsinug to invest thcir money safely and to good adventuge, to purchase tho pro^ ductions of tho finest and bost distillcnes, recogiazins tho old ada-o "Tho best is the cheupest m tho long run." By purchasing in bond and aging your own whiskies ut au exoenso of a mero trille abovo original cost, you wiU be on- ablcd at tho end of a yoar or two to ;="«tomore the boneûfc of your investment; for by selhi g thom good gnods at acheappriee.younotoulyinake moneyforyour- lof but gain a réputation for kecp.ng first-class goods. ïhe Ist of fme goods in comparison wdh tho priée of chcapor grades is so littlo, whcn you con^Klcr the short timo it takes to mature tho fmer goods that there is no question as to what kind a maii shonld bu%. Our Stock Lnprises the finest brands of the fainous wlnskey-produe- ing'countics of ICentucky, viz.. : Andorson Frankhn Nel son. and Jefferson. manufacturcd by distdlors of national

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