1884 American and Other Drinks ( 1 st edition ) by Charlie Paul

27 with jam and mm; stir well with spoon, and place slice of lemon on top.

33-BRANDT and gum.

n piece of me, add half a teaspoonfal of gum symp,half a wme glassful Ox brandy; stir well with spoon.

34~BRANDY AND LEMON. Same as No.33, substituting lemon svmn for gum syrup. / i.ui

35—BRANDY AND NOYEAD. Ditto; substituting noyeau for lemon.

36—BOSTON FLIP. Fill tunibler with chipped ice; put in a tea If 1 P°r^®^ed sugar and a new laid egg• add halfa glassful of rye whiskey; shake well,and strain into a small pony tumbler, putting a little grated nutmeg on top. ^ 37—BRANDY SCAFFA. Take a long thin liqueur glass; put in half i hqueurghissfulofbrandyanda halfof maraschino- add two dashes of angostura bitters on top. '



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