1884 American and Other Drinks ( 1 st edition ) by Charlie Paul


45—POUSSE L'AMOUR. Takea wine glass; pourin halfaliqueurglassful of red noycau, diWo of maraschino, ditto of brandy;then put in gently the yolk of a newlaid egg. 46—BRANDY AND HONEY. Same as No. 32, substituting brandy for Jamaica rum. 47—PEACH BRANDY AND HONEY. Ditto, substituting peach brandy for ordinary brandy. '' 48—NOYEAU COCKTAIL. Fill tumbler with chipped ice; put in half a liqueur glassful of white noyeati, half a wine glassful of gin and two or threedropsofanf^ostura bitters; stii'well with a longspoon;strain off, and put a small piece of lemon peel on top. 49—CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL. ^ Takea ponytumblerand half fill it with chipped ice; put in three or four drops of angostura bitters;same of plain syrup; fill up the glass with champagne,and squeeze a small piece of a lemon peel on top. 50—ANGLERS'COCKTAIL. Fill a tumbler with chipped ice; put in two or three drops of angostura bitters,half a teaspoon- ful of orange bitters, and three or four drops of raspberry syrup; add half a wine glassful of oin- then stir well and strain off.

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