1884 American and Other Drinks ( 1 st edition ) by Charlie Paul


16-mllk punch. Fill half pint tumbler with chipped ice; pnt in atcaspooiifulof powdered sugar,half-wine glassful of brandy and a liqueur glassful of Jamaica rum; till up with new milk; shake well; sprinkle a little nutmeg on top, and servo with straws. 17—CLAKET SANGAEEE. Fill half pint tumbler with chipped ice; put in a teasiiooniul of powdered sugar: squeeze bait a lemou in; fill up the tumbler with claret; shake well; add a slice of orange; sprinkle a little nut meg on top,and serve with stmws.


Same as No.17, substituting sherry for claret.

19_P0ET "WINE SANGAEEE. Same as No.17, substituting port for sherry.


Fill half pint tumbler with chipped ice; put in half wine glassful of plain syrup, a good wme Klassful of pale sherry; shake well and decorate with fruits in season; dash the top with claret, and serve Avith straws. 21—BRANDY PUNCH. Fill half a pint tumbler Avifch chipped ice; put in a teaspoonful of powdered sugar; squezehalfa lemon in: add a wine glassful of brandy; shake well, place a slice of lemon on top,and serve with straws.

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