1884 Scientific bar-keeping



— 4 or 5 dashes of gum syrup ;


juice of ^ ^ full of

; 1 small wine glass of brandy.

a lemon

Fill the glass

shaved ice up the glass with Seltzer water from a syphon and drink without hesitation. ; shake up well and strain into a glass ; fill

( Use small bar glass.)

STRAWBERRY FIZZ.— ^ tablespoonful of sugar ;

2 or 3

1 wine glass of Old Tom gin, dissolved

dashes of lemon juice ;

^ glass filled with fine shaved

1 egg (the yolk only) ;

well ;

Shake up well with a

; a few dashes of strawberry syrup.


up the glass


; strain it into a good-sized fizz glass ; fill


with syphon Seltzer or Vichy water ;

well and serve

while foaming.

GOLDEN FIZZ. % tablespoonful of sugar ;

2 or 3 dashes

1 wine glass of Old Tom gin, dissolved well

of lemon-juice ;

^ glass filled with fine shaved ice.

1 egg (the yoke only) ;

Shake up well with shaker ;

into a good-sized




up the glass with syphon Seltzer or Vichy water

glass, fill

mix well and serve while foaming.

SILVER FIZZ. % tablespoonful of sugar ;

2 or 3 dashes

; 1 wine glass of Old Tom gin, disolved well ; 1

lemon juice

% glass filled with fine shaved ice. strain it into a good-sized fizz

egg (the white only) ;

Shake up well with a shaker ;

fill up the glass with syphon Seltzer or Vichy water ;



mix well and serve while foaming.

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