1884 Scientific bar-keeping



ROMAN PUNCH.— of raspberry syrup ;

i tablespoonful of sugar ;

i tablespoon-

i teaspoonful of Curacoa ;


i wine

glass of Jamacia rum ;

j£ wine glass of brandy ;

the juice of

half a lemon.

Fill with shaved ice, shake well, dash with port

wine and ornament with fruits.


tablespoonful of fine white sugar ; 2

y 2

wine glass of Cognac brandy ;

tablespoonfuls of water ; 1 wine glass Santa Cruz rum ;

y$ tumblerful of shaved ice. Fill with milk, shake the ingredients well together and grate a little nutmeg on top. CLARET (IMPERIAL) PUNCH.— 1 bottle of claret; 1 bot- tle of soda-water ; 4 tablespoonfuls of powdered white sugar ; % teaspoonful of grated nutmeg ; 1 teaspoonful of Maraschino; pound of ice ; 3 or 4 slices of lemon rind. Put all the in- gredients into a bowl or pitcher and stir well.

NEW YEAR'S PUNCH.— 5 bottles of champagne ;

1 quart

of Jamaica rum ;

pint of Maraschino ;

6 lemons, sliced ;


sugar to taste. Mix the above ingredients in a large punch- bowl, then place in the centre of the bowl a large square block of ice, ornamented on top with loaf-sugar, sliced lemons or oranges and Malaga grapes.

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