1884 Scientific bar-keeping

sufficient of the strength and merits of each ingredient in a concoction of various liquors to be able to proportion them ac-

That he may obtain the

curately and to the best advantage.

best results, without either waste or inefficiency, the bar-tender

should make a close study of his calling in life.

In this respect

he will find immeasurable assistance in perusing the hints and

recipes contained in this book. A particular matter with which every first-class barkeeper should be acquainted, and, in fact, we might say that ignorance

on the subject is almost unpardonable, is the proper care of

liquors, wines, beers, etc.

It is our purpose to assist those who may not be as well

An important item in

posted as the majority of barkeepers.

the care of the fluids under consideration is the degree of tem-

perature in which they should be kept. The best wines and liquors will be utterly ruined by neglecting to provide proper

Too great a degree of coldness

receptacles for their storage.

is just as dangerous as too much heat.

There is a nice rule

to be observed in providing for the temperature surrounding

ales, wines, liquors, etc. It has been found that wines repre- senting all the varieties of Rhine, claret and champagne, are best preserved in a mean temperature of 72 degrees, this being two degrees above what is commonly known as temperate.

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