1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
Cherry Brandy.
Bruise 3 lbs. of black cherries, wild ones preferable, cracking the stones ; put the mass into a jar, with afew young cherryleaves. Add 3 pints of brandy or pure spirit; in three months strain off. Add 2lbs. of clear sugar, after which it will be ready for use in a week.
Carraway Brandy.
Steep 1 oz. of carraway seed, bruised, in 1 pint of brandy. In one week strain. Add 6 ounces of loaf suerar.
Currant Brandy.
Take 1 quart of black or red currants, and fill up with 1 quart of brandy. In two months strain, ajid add sugar to taste.
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