1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)



Book of Commercial Forms, Etc. Containing epocinaen Letters on all possible bnsiness top ics, witb appropriate answers. There is soaroely a business transaction that can happen to an ordinary person in tho course of his life-time that is notcovered by the Lettersand Eeplies containedinthis vroTk. If you wantto hire help,find a situation,inquire about prices of goods,buy anything,from a paper of pins to a house and lot, borrow orlend money,or anything at all, you will find the plainestand most business like methods of expressing your ohjeots and desires, besides being able to replyin a suitable manner to the offers and ia- quiries of others. Manya good and profitable business trans action hasfallen throughfor wantof being expressedin plain, clear, and indispntahle language. . Added to this are a great number of Forms forBusmess Papers and Documents,such as ACREETiflEr^TS, LEASES, PHOBWISSORY NOTES, MGRTCACES, BONDS, RECEIPTS, And a Hoct of Other Forms, •which roqniro 'to he correctly worded to he binding and ot legal force. This is •the best Letter Writerfor those who are thoroughly versed in hnsiness matters, and cannot express them^ves plainlyin•writing, and it proves of•v^uablo assist ance to •those who are well informed, as a haimy hook of erence on doubtful matters of Expression or Form,W f™icn is added acomprehensive dictionaiy of synonyms anaaDbre- wiations, also a glossary of Commercialterms. Bound in boards,•with cloth back. Price 50 cents. For sale by all Booksellers, or will besent,postpaid, on receipt of price. EXCELSIOR PUBLISHIG BOUSE, 2!} and 31 Seclcman Street,New York,N.1. p.O.Box 1144.

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