1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
Mulled. Claret.
(Large bar glass or mug.)
3or4lumps sugar. 2dashes of lemon juice.
4or 5 whole allspice, bruised. 2 do. cloves, bruised. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
2 wine glasses claret; place all the above in a dish; let it come to a boil, and boil 2 minutes, stirring all the time; strain and pour into a largehot glass; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
Mulled Claret and Egg.
(A large bar glass.)
1table-spoon sugar. 1 dash lemon juice.
i teaspoon mixed spices. li wine-glass claret; boil the above ingi'edients to gether; then beat to a batter the yolks of 2eggs with a little sugar added; pour the hot wine over the eggs, stirring continually; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. You must positively pour the wine over the eggs, not otherwise, as it would spoil.
California Sherry Cobbler. (A large bar glass.)
itable-spoon sugar. 1 pony pine apple sjTup. li wine glass of California sherry. Fill glass with fine ice. Stir well; di'ess with fruits, and gently pour a little port on top. Serve with a straw.
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