1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
3or 4sprigs mint, pressed as in Mint Julep, to extract the essence, li wine-glass Holland gin. Stir well, and di-ess with fruits in season, and serve.
Mint Jidep.
(Large bar glass.)
1 table-spoon sugar dissolved in J wine-glass water. 8or 4sprigs mint, which you press well in the sugar and water to extract the flavor, then add li wine-glass brandy, after which withdraw the mint and stir the in gredients well ; then flll glass with fine ice and insertthe mintagain,stemsdownward,leaves above. Dress tastily with fruits in season. Give a dash of Jamaica rum, a sprinkle of white sugar, and serve with a straw placed across top of glass.
Whisky Jnlep. (A large bar glass.)
f tablespoon sugar dissolved in i wine-glass water. 3or 4sprigs mint, press to extract the essence 1 wine-glass whisky. A dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon ; arrange the mint with stems downward. Dress with pineapple, oranges, and berries, tastUy ; some omit the fruit. Serve with a straw.
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