1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)



Gin Sangaree.

i tea-spoon sugai- dissolved in a little water. 1 wine-glass Holland gin. 1 lump of ice. Stir with a spoon ; put about a tea-spoon of shewy on top,and serve.

Porter Sangaree,

(A large bar glass.)

i table-spoon sugar. 3or4lumps of ice. Fill up with porter. Stir well; lemove the ice; gi-ate nutmeg on top, and serve.

Port Wine Sangaree.

(A small bar glass.)

1 or2lumps ice. 1 tea-spoon sugar. li wine-glass Port wine. Shake well; I'omove ice; grate a little nutmeg on top: serve.

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