1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)



G-inger Gin.

Take of best Jamaica ginger, bruised small, balf a 'pound ; boil it in one gallon of water, and strain â– through fine muslin. In this dissolve ten pounds of refined sugar by means of a gentle heat. Over the bruised ginger which remains in the muslin strainer pass one gallon unmixed gin (O. P.), mix this and the syrup of ginger together, add finings, and set aside to deal'.


1 drachm oil of aniseed. 1drachm oU of cloves. 1drachm essential oil of nutmegs. 20 drops oU of cinnamon. 30 drops oil of juniper.

Mix all the oils together, shakingwell occasionally for a day or so ; then dissolve them in rectified spirit (60 O. P.), onepint; coloredwith burned sugar, one ounce ; and add of each, syruii and boiling water, twelve pints. Mix all together thoroughly and fine with alum, etc.

B.um Shrub.

igallon bitter orange juice. 8 lbs. refined sugar. ligallon I'um, reduced to 40U. P.

Dissolve the sugar inthe juice by aid of a gentle heat, mix this and the rum together, shake up well and set aside to clear. If not bright in a fortnight fine down with isinglass.

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