1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)



2table-spoons powdered sugar. Boil the -whole 15 minutes. Strain ; and if you wish, add J- gill of brandy.

Ginger Syrup, ^Ib. 1.

1 gallon -white syrup. 12 ounces tincture of ginger. Sti-ain if cloudy.

Ginger Syrup, No. 2. .

Put 2 ounces Jamaica ginger into a quart of boiling water, let it remain 24 hours,closely covered,strain,and add 3 pounds crushed sugai'; boil to a syrup.

Lemon Syrup.

5 gallons gum syrup. 8ounces tartaric acid (tincture.) 1 ounce oil of lemon, cut in 1 pint of alcohol.

Orgeat Syrup.

3ounces powdered sugar. 3ounces sweet almonds. i ounce bitter almonds. i pound powdered gum arabic. Pound altogether, adding a little water, until it mcas. ures1 quart. Strain, and add 2gallons syrup.

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