1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
Cherry "Wine.
35 lbs. ripe chemes. - 5 lbs. brown sugar. Watei", sufiQcientto make8 gallons. IT pints best French brandy. Add yeast, and set aside to ferment.
Red Currant Wine.
70 lbs. red currants, bruised and pressed. 10 lbs. brown sugar. Water, sufficient to fill up a fifteen-gallon cask. Ferment. This yields a pleasant red wine,rather tart, but keeps well.
Elderberry Wine.
8 gallons elderberries. • 12 gallons water. 60 lbs. brown sugar.
Dissolve, by boiling ; add yeast and ferment ; then add brandy four pounds ; and bung it ujp for three months. Disagreeable when cold, but if mulled with allspice and drank warm in winter time, it forms a use ful stimulant.
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