1884 The complete bartender. Art of Mixing Plain and Fancy Drinks



SYRUPS. SIMPLE SYRUP. Take 2 pounds of loaf sugar to i pint of water, dissolve it


remove the scum that arises, as soon as it

over the fire,

mences to boil, remove it

from the fire, strain it while hot.

GUM SYRUP Dissolve 2 pounds of loaf sugar and i pound cf white gum arable in i quart of hot water, boil over the fire for 2 minui-es RASPBERRY SYRUP. Take i pint of filtered raspberry juice, mash the raspberries hi a pan and let them stand 2 or 3 days until fermentation has commenced, filter the juice through blotting paper, and add 2 pounds of fine sugar. Place the syrup on the fire and as it heats, skim carefully, but do not allow it to boil, wlien it be- comes of a proper consistency, remove it and allow it to cool STRA WBERRY SYRUP- Take 4 quarts of strawberries, express the juice and strain, add water until it measures 4 pints, add 8 pounds of powdered sugar, keep it on the fire until it boils, then strain, allow it to cool, and bottle. LEMOJf SYRUP. I pint of lemon juice, dissolve 5 pounds of sugar in tiie lemon juice, add the rinds of 5 lemons, boil for 2 minutes, skim, then strain. then bottle it.

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