1884 The complete bartender. Art of Mixing Plain and Fancy Drinks



IMITATIONS OF WINE IMITATIOJf OF PORT WIJfE, Take 3 gallons of good Cider, i^ quarts Os- good Brandy, % of an ounce of cochineal, pulverize the coch- ineal very fine and put it with the Brandy in a stone jug, let it remain about 2 weeks, shaking it every day, at the end of 2 weeks have your Cider ready and put 2 ^ gallons of the Cider into a 5 gallon cask, add to this the elderberry juice and Port Wine, and the Brandy and cochineal, take the remaining y^ gallon of Cider, with part of which clear out the jug that con tained the Brandy, and pour the whole into your cask and bung it up tight, and in 6 weeks it will be ready for use. TMITATIOJ^ OF MADERIA WIME- a gallon of pure Maderia Wine, i^ quarts of sweet liquor, y^ ounce of tartaric acid, ^ drachm oil of bitter a'monds cut in Alco hoi, I pound of bruised raisins, i quart of brandy, let stand for 10 days, then rack and fine until clear. IMITATION OF CLARET WIJ^E. To TO gallons of Cider prepared add 6 quarts of imported Claret Wine, 48 drachms cream of tartar, i drachm of citric ounce tincture of red Saunders, 2 quarts of water, put in a cask, bung tightly, m 6 weeks it will be ready for bottling. ^ of a gallon of best Port Wine, ^ of a gallon of j dice of elderberries, Take 5 gallons of prepared Cider, ^ of acid, I pound of raisins, 2 gills of honey, i

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