1884 The complete bartender. Art of Mixing Plain and Fancy Drinks



IMITAIOJS' OF SHLRRY WIME- Take 6 gall of prepared Cider, 4^^ quarts of pure Sherry Wine, 3 quarts of Egg Harbor Wine, y^ drachm oil of bitter almonds dissolved in alcohol, 2 quarts of Whiskey, ^ pound of loaf sugar, ^ of an ounce of tincture of saffron. Mix, put in a clean cask, bung tightly and leave for 8 weeks; and then HOW TO FIME OR CLEAR WIME. Take 3 table spoonsfuls of boiled rice, the white of i egg, and y^ ounce of burnt alum in powder. Mix with a pint of Wine, then pour the Wine thus mixed into the cask, and stir with a stick, but not to agitate the sediment or lees. As soon as wines are clear and bright after being fined down, they ought to be racked into a clean cask, the cask to be filled up and bunged tight. HOW TO RACK WIJ^ES- bottle.

an operation highly requisite to the keeping of wine

This is

performed by drawing off the wine into another

good, and is

A siphon should be

cask and leaving the lees in the first cask,





used ;


the cask

if not,


3 days previously. The racking off ought to be performed in temperate weather, and as soon as the wine appears clear, a- second racking will give it a brilliant appearance, and so fining will not be necessary. BOTTIIJVG WIJVES.

Clear and fine weather is the time for bottling all kinds of

The wines should be fine and brilliant when you intend


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