1884 The complete bartender. Art of Mixing Plain and Fancy Drinks



STOUGHTOjr BITTERS. Mix together the following ingredients, and let stand for 5 weeks. Gentian, 4 ounces, orange peel, 4 ounces, Columbo, 4 ounces, camomile flowers, 4 ounces, quassia, 4 ounces, burnt sugar, I pound, whiskey, 2% gallons. Bottle the clear liquor. SODA WATER SYRUPS. LEMOM SYRUP FOR SODA WATER. Take 8 pounds of white sugar and one gallon of pure soft water, 2 ounces of gum arabic. Boil in a brass vr copper ket- tle until the gum is thoroughly dissolved, then skim and strain through white flannel, adding tartaric acid. 5}^ ounces, and flavor to taste with extract of lemon. Bottle. STRA WBERRT SYRUP FOR SODA WATER, Make in the same way as Lemon Syrup^ using strawberry extract instead of lemon. PIKE APPLE SYRUP FOR SODA WATER. Make in the same manner as Lemon Syrup, using pine-apple extract iristead of lemon. YAKILLA SYRUP FOR SODA WATER, Make in the same manner as Lemon Syrup, using Vanilla extract instead of lemon. OTHER SYRUPS All other syrups can be made in the same manner, using the extract of the fruit to taste. These make a very refreshing sum- mer drink, by adding two tablespoonfuls of the syrup to a glass of water and ^ teaspoonful of super-carbonate of soda ; drink while foaming.

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