1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


Marie " or iron pot with water coming lialf way up the jar. Stew them till the juice is extracted, then strain it through a tammy. For each pint of liquid add 1 lb. of lump sugar. Put it into a jar and let it stand until it is bright. Then bottle and if required for keeping, add 1 gill of spirit to each

Brandy is considered best.


White Currant and Red Currant Shrub,

Are made in the same way. In Philadelphia, they make the shrub in the preserving pans, boiling up the fruit first as for jelly, adding 1 lb. of refined sugar to the pint of juice, boiling it gently for 8 or 10 minutes, skimming it well and adding 1 gill of brandy to each quart of shrub. White and Red Raspberry Shrub Is made in the same way, and is an excellent drink. Also bilberries. To SERVE Shrubs. Pour a wineglassful into a large bar tumbler, fill up with iced water, and serve. For those who like it, a dash of spirit, such as brandy, Irish whiskey, or gin may be added. Are served in sherry glasses, or large spirit wine glasses. They are generally composed of a mixture of liqueurs, syrups, and spirits, and must be put into the glass in the order specified. Thus a nip of La Grande Dame Is prepared this way, Eau D'Or, \ Wine glass. Raspberry Shrub, J do. Brandy, \ do. NIPS. Petits Verres, or Tasty Nips,


Wine glass.



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