1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Whisk with a switch wisk, and pour in the hot


sherry, add the porter spice, and serve.

Grandfather's Nightcap.

Old Rum, Yolk of Egg, Honey, Porter Spice, White of Egg, Sugar, Hot Water, Lemon,

1 Gill.


1 Dessertspoonful. J Teaspoonful.


1 oz.

1 Slice.

Beat the yolk of the egg— add some porter spice, then stir in the rum — Melt the sugar in a cup with boiling water, about a tablespoonful will be enough, — Add this to the rum and eggs, whisking all the time. Strain it into a hot glass. Have the white of egg whipped to a foam, slip this on to the top of the glass. Serve with a spoon to stir it up as quickly as possible after the foam is added.

Grandmother's Nightcap.

Take gin in place of rum as above, follow the working through as for grandfather's nightcap.

Blue Blazers.

What a very shocking name ! ! more shocking there are very few English barmen who are able to manip- ulate this compound ; for the very simple reason, they are supplied by their chiefs with spirits of a very low calibre. It is impossible to make *'Blue Blazers" with spirits 40^ to 60° u. p,^ and swearing at the bar-man, and calling him a duffer, because he cannot metaphorically speaking, " Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear," does not mend the matter. but still

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