1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Clove Honey; Horehound Honey; Ginger Honey; Raspberry; Straw- berry ; Currant ; or Lemon Are made by adding i oz. of any of these tinctures or essen- ces to 1 lb. of honey, which must be prepared by standing the jam jar containing it in boiling water or a Bain Marie^'' until it is quite a thin syrup ; then add \ pint of spirits. Gin or white brandy. Or, \ pint of shrub and \ pint of spirit may be used. (See page 125.) NECTARS. Jersey Honey Nectar. Take 1 tablespoonful of lemon honey ; 1 small wineglass- ful of apple brandy (see page 74;) heat J a pint of sweet apple cider ; pour on to the honey mixture ; stir up, and you will quaff one of the most delicious beverages Paterson city ever produced on a winter's night. A Summer Nectar From apple brandy, is made with the above compounds, and instead of heating the cider, adding shaved ice. Darling Is made from a spoonful of Pine Apple Honey, a glass of cognoc, and a split soda. Father's Pet Is a concoction of Lemon Honey; small glass of old rye whiskey, and \ a split soda, or a wine glass of soda from the syphon. Mother's Joy Is Clove Honey ; a good stiff glass of old gin, and as little soda water as you can possibly introduce to give it a cream without being considered mean. Pine Apple Honey; Little

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