1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



may not be burnt, and a small continuous stream brought over to the receiver. There is a little French machine for making after dinner coffee, which is nothing more or less than a distilling apparatus, and which is very useful in pre- paring these distilled waters in small quantities. To treble distil, you distil over again the contents of your receiver; when it* becomes double distilled, and once more when it becomes treble distilled. An ounce of orange flower added to each gallon of lemonade, gives the delicate perfume which is so much appreciated in the high class lemonades of the present day. In the manufacturing of orange flower water, lemonades, &c., of course none but the purest water must be used ; if the water is at all murky or thick, a lump of alum, about 1 oz., will purify 1 hogshead ; or if the water is hard, and the presence of lime too pronounced, 1 oz. of chloride of ammonia to the hogshead will rectify it. For water from chalky soils, lime may be added, which causes a precipitate of the chalky particles ; a little carbonate of potash or soda, say a dessertspoonful to about 3 gallons, will make this water as soft as distilled, or the best rain water, for all chemical and manufacturing purposes.

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