1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



little acid is used, it whitens it, more like ivory, for boar's head tusks, and ornamental carvings, now so much in vogue. Green vegetables should be emptied out of the crates as soon as possible, all yellow, soft, bruised, or decaying leaves removed, and then stored in a damp cellar on the floor, they will keep fresh for days, and celery so treated, for months. To revive, place in water a couple of hours, rinse and change the water, leave them another hour, and then cook, using sugar in the process. If the portions of celery to be used at the table, are steeped for a couple of hours in sugar and water, they will not tell of long keeping. By the way, I adopt the Parisian method of preserving potatoes ; before storing, they are all washed with the broom washer, carefully so as not to break the skin, then they are put into nets, and plunged into boiling water for a minute (60 seconds,) then withdrawn, drained, and left two days to dry, being turned during the time. This prevents the sprouting, killing the life germs, and the potatoes keep fair and white till the next season, and we only have to help ourselves from the bins, frost being the only enemy we fear. We buy from the growers, flukes and regents. Sugars, gelatines, powders, (such as baking and preservative food liowdtr) musf be kept in dry sweet smelling store closets; like flour and bread they soon absorb damp and bad smells. Meat safes are plentiful, as I said before, I use Jolley's, and find none better. For scrubbing tables, boards, &c., use mason's dust. It supercedes all the pipe clay and coarse sand, or soap mix- Have a few drops of coal ammonia in the water, and serves to make it tures.

It keeps down vermin and

the floors are washed with.

prevents grease spots becoming deep seated. Fuller's earth, or my favourite soap stone, will soon remove grease spots.

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