1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



clean pan, and stir till nearly on the boil.

Pour into the hot

add a glass of white wine at will or not, as may be

tureen ;


Potage de Chataigne au Suere.

(Sweet Chestnut Soup.)

Ingredients : 1 quart of lager beer, or white wine; 1 glass of cognac; lump sugar, 4 ozs. pow- dered ; cruions. Roast 60 chestnuts, husk, peel, and pass through a wire Mix the puree with either 1 quart of lager beer or 60 Roasted chestnuts ; sieve.

Put this into a stewpan with the

white wine, as preferred.

Lift off the soup, and stir in the

sugar, stir till it is very hot.

Lay fancy cut crutons of rye or white

glass of cognac.

Pour the sweet

2 for each ladleful in the tureen.

bread ;

chestnut puree soup over and serve.

Potage au lait D'Amandes. (Almond Milk Soup.)

Take 1 lb. of Jordan almonds, blanch them in boiling water, and as they are done, one by one throw them into cold water. When all have the brown skin remove, drain them, put them into a mortar and pound to a paste, using pearl sugar to prevent their oiling. Put into a saucepan 3 pints of cold water, the juice of a lemon, a teaspoonful of coriander seeds and half the rind of the lemon, let it come to the boil, then stir in the almond paste, let it stew for 1 hour, pass through a tammy, serve with fried crutons of white bread. Taste and add a little salt and more sugar if needed. It can be made of milk if liked, or a liason of milk and eggs added after it is removed from the fire. If the latter, it can be rechauffed, but must not boil.

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