1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



a teaspoonful of minced

half their weight of fresh butter ;

and scalded parsley; about six or eight drops of lemon juice, and J of the rind grated, cayenne pepper to taste. Spread on slices of German rye, (black) bread which has been buttered with fresh butter. Bloater Blossoms. See Harengs D' Hollande, (page 227). Legumes de Mer. (Dulse and Laver Bread.) These are just washed to free them from sand and grit, and served with vinegar, salt, and pepper. Like olives, they are rather an acquired taste. Anchovies. By the way, a word before I close relative to anchovies. The best are, in my opinion, for table purposes, those rolled and preserved in oil, they look neater, are more attractive in and out of bottle, whilst all I have used have been very good ; they are of French manufacture. Ingredients: Tongue, forcemeat of truffles, grated Ham- burg beef, eggs, pastry, spices, crumbs. Make a forcemeat, with plenty of hot spices, cut ox tongue in thin slices. Make little rolls 2 inches long. Fill them with forcemeat and fasten with a skewer. Brush over with egg, toss in crumbs and fry a golden brown. If served at this stage, they are A la Monarque, and they are dusted with dry curry and served. But if the paste is used, the skewer is withdrawn. The flaky paste rolled out quite thin, cut into 2^ inch lengths, the fried rolls laid on it, and it is Petit Pate de Langue. (Little Patty of Tongue.)

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