1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



stewpan with 1 pint of white stock, or plain water ; a small quantity of parsley, thyme, and half a shalot, 6 cloves, 6 whole peppers, salt. Stew till the fish are done. Then lay them on the dish you intend to serve them in. Strain the liquor, have ready a brown roux of baked brown flour and Quantities 1 oz. of butter, 1 tablespoonful of flour, add the strained stocks, and also a tablespoonful or more of brown bread raspings, or grated rusk. Lift the sauce when it has boiled to the edge of the stove, or lower the gas, so as to reduce the temperature. Throw in a glass of cooking champagne, stir round so that it may mix thoroughly, and pour it round the fish. It is a mistake to put it in with the fish, as the bouquet and spirit both evaporate. If you wish the fish to have a distinct flavour of champagne, add a table- spoonful of elderflower water to the stock. of suet, lemon rind, 2 eggs, thyme, knotted marjoram, bay leaf, pepper, salt, vinegar, red wine, (catalana, or mock port) Worcestershire sauce, or Yorkshire relish ; Fresh water mussels, white sauce, stock, cloves. Wash the fish and cleanse it thoroughly. Pour a little hoil- ing water down the inside if it is necessary, to remove the film attached to and lining the belly. In taking out the entrails be most careful not to burst or roughly handle so as to break them, or the earthy taste will be more perceptible than pleasant. Soak for 1 hour in salt water and vinegar, whilst the stuffing is prepared. Mince the suet, sift white bread crumbs, mince parsley, thyme, &c. And grate the lemon rind, (or boil and pound it, using the liquor when cold in the mixing,) use pepper and salt, in fact make a goodly quantity of veal stuffing, moisten with the eggs — then butter. Jack Pike, to Bake. Ingredients : Pike, bread crumbs sifted, \ lb.

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